There are an abundance of “scientific workflow” frameworks, job schedulers, queuing systems, MPI implementations, and language-level primitives for multiprocessing. Sometimes, though, you just have to do a task a bunch of times. Here, I introduce GNU parallel
for a simple task and a more advanced task.
Maybe you just rendered a bunch of images with VMD. You try to insert them into your powerpoint presentation, but the files are tga
. You can convert them with ImageMagick’s convert
program. Instead of running this utility by hand each time, you can do some fancy command-line trickery:
find . -name "*.tga" -exec convert {} {}.png \;
This works, but can be improved with parallel
find . -name "*.tga" | parallel convert {} {.}.png
This method offers two advantages:
This will run the conversion task in parallel, exploiting your multi-core CPU
The new filenames will end in .png
instead of .tga.png
tICA is a powerful algorithm for discovering “reaction coordinates” from molecular dynamics datasets. It’s a linear algorithm, but recent advances show how the kernel trick can be used to learn non-linear coordinates. Approximations will probably work well here. Suppose we want to calculate the tICA timescales over a grid of (lag-time
, degree-of-approximation
) parameter values. This is “embarrassingly parallel”. We can write our script to exploit some more advanced features of parallel
$ parallel echo ::: `seq 1 2` ::: a c
1 a
1 c
2 a
2 c
will automatically do the “outer product” of argument lists, separated by :::
. Below, we use one script to both generate and consume argument lists. This script uses MSMBuilder to fit multiple tICA models.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Usage:
# parallel ./ ::: `./ --1` ::: `./ --2`
n_clusters = [2 ** i for i in range(1, 13)]
lag_times = [2 ** i for i in range(14)]
import sys
if sys.argv[1] == '--1':
for nc in n_clusters:
if sys.argv[1] == '--2':
for lt in lag_times:
nc = int(sys.argv[1])
lt = int(sys.argv[2])
components = min(10, nc)
from import load_trajs, save_generic
from msmbuilder.decomposition import tICA
# Load input trajectories, precomputed
# These have different numbers of features
meta, ftrajs = load_trajs("ftrajs-{}".format(nc))
tica = tICA(n_components=components, lag_time=lt, kinetic_mapping=True)
res = {'lagtime': lt, 'clusters': nc}
for i in range(components):
res['timescale_{}'.format(i)] = tica.timescales_[i]
save_generic(res, 'tica-{}-{}.pickl'.format(nc, lt))
I also include code for combining the results into one dataset in the same script by adding the additional clause to argument parsing:
import pandas as pd
from import load_generic
if sys.argv[1] == '--combine':
results = []
for nc in n_clusters:
for lt in lag_times:
results += [load_generic('tica-{}-{}.pickl'.format(nc, lt))]
df = pd.DataFrame(results)